“But the world is on fire?” How to Stay Engaged During Social Crisis

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

How can we keep our teams engaged when there is SO much going on outside of our organizations that are taking up our emotional energy?

It seems like every day there is something else in the news that is traumatic and stressful.

Election year.
Needless violence.
Natural disasters.

These are all things that cause stress and affect how we are showing up at work and in life. 

Does that mean we should take the rest of the year off? No.

So how can we move through this time at work without losing our $h!t and stay engaged with day to day tasks? How can organizations support their struggling employees?

5 Tips on How to Lead Through 2020 

  1. Ask the team what is concerning them and how you can support them, professionally and otherwise. You don’t have to guess or assume what the team is feeling or thinking. ASK! Have conversations and brainstorm actions to take and solutions to pursue then back up those conversations with following through.

  2. Take the “yes, and” approach. Yes, these things are happening in our country, and there are things we can do about it. Yes, there is negativity in the world, and we can also make time for joy.

  3. Think globally, act locally. Decide as a team what causes are important to you that align with your values and concerns, and get involved. Find local organizations to support with time, money, and skills. Have conversations about changes that may need to happen within your organization. Taking action makes us feel like we are working towards solutions to the problems that are weighing us down.

  4. Make mental health a priority. Make space for whatever individuals are going through right now. Encourage the team to use their paid time off (or better yet, GIVE them extra PTO for mental health days). Block out COMPANY WIDE break time. Share mental health resources. Lead with empathy.

  5. Celebrate wins, both professional and personal. This is part of the “yes, and” mindset. It may take practice, but making time for celebration and joy is key to avoiding burn out both at work and in life.  

You can’t motivate the team from the OUTSIDE. As business leaders we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis: How can we create a work culture that keeps our team actively engaged?

Having difficult conversations, talking with your team, and realizing that you don’t have to have all the answers are key elements to moving through.

Need help? Let’s talk!

Wendy Conrad