Working Virtually: How the Pandemic Changed My Business

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Working Virtually:

How the Pandemic Changed

Your Happy Workplace

Before our lives were forever changed by the pandemic and corona was just a beer we liked to drink with lime on the beach, Your Happy Workplace was doing only in-person work.

I was marketing only in the area where I lived (Treasure Coast of Florida and neighboring cities), going to chamber meetings and networking events several times a week (sometimes several in one day), and physically visiting clients. I’m good at in-person people-ing. It’s my jam (and still is- I miss your faces!)

Like many of you, I knew the technology existed to do my work virtually and expand who I was marketing to, but was intimidated by learning something new. I didn’t want to look incompetent to clients or slow down any of my processes with change.

Because let’s face it, change is hard. Our brains don’t like it.

Then change was served up to us like the broccoli our mom made us eat or we couldn’t get up from the dinner table. That new tech? We had no choice but to use it now. And like many new things, it was not as hard as I imagined to work with my clients virtually.

The kickoff meeting with the team, individual interviews, and final presentations were now all being done online or by phone. It is different- there is something to be said for communicating in person. But I was able to do the work and deliver results to clients in a virtual way.

I think it made me feel better to know that we were all figuring things out together. We all learned how to unmute ourselves- together. We all discovered how to change our virtual background- together. We all have kids and pets and spouses and other distractions that interrupt our virtual meetings.

We figured it out and our heads didn’t explode.

If you own a business, you know that just like in life, everything changes. We must adapt and evolve depending on what’s happening around us, and our businesses are no different.

What changes have you made to the way you are doing business, and how are those changes affecting your team?

If you are a small business located here in Florida, or you’re as far away as Washington State, I can help you and your team become more connected, productive, and engaged whether you are working remotely or not.

  • Are you wondering how to get the team on board with your company’s mission?

  • Do you need to design more structured hiring and onboarding processes before expanding your team?

  • Maybe you want to lower costly turnover and make your business more efficient?

  • Facing challenges building a strong work culture now that the team has gone remote?

From near or far, I can help you.

So let’s do this. And I promise I’ll wear my fancy pj’s on our first video call.

Wendy Conrad